Marisa Nuñez, Marisa Hair, Long Island City, NY

Logan Shield


New York, New York

“It is amazing that programs like Ascendus are here, or else many small businesses wouldn’t exist.”

Investing in a Community Through an Ascendus Loan

“Ascendus came at the right time. I had reached the point where I was in a stalemate. I was stable, but I didn’t have the funding to grow and try new things.” Since starting Fixinhumans in 2021, Logan’s small business has flourished. Logan has a solid income, a vast customer base, and his own physical location. By 2024, Logan was ready to grow, expand, and hire employees. However, he was having difficulty receiving funding. “My credit was great, and my revenue was great, but I had a dispute on one of my accounts, and I couldn’t get approved by a traditional bank. I was referred to Ascendus by TD Bank. They looked at my application, and they said they could help. It was amazing.”

Through his loan from Ascendus, Logan invested in marketing, expanding his equipment, and hiring his first set of employees. “Ascendus allowed me the opportunity to analyze how I was doing. I was able to take a step back and see how I could improve my services and help more people. I got a videographer to help me with marketing, I hired a secretary, and I hired a cleaner. It felt so nice that I didn’t have to dip into my savings to improve my business.”


Through a focus on biomechanics, Logan works with individuals to evaluate their overall healthcare needs. This includes diet planning, fitness planning, and performance restoration, with a focus on micro-movements that help rebalance the body. “I understand what it is like to live in pain. When I served in the Marine Corps, I got injured. I understand what that pain can do to your physical and mental wellbeing. I was around others who got injured. But we got better, emotionally, and physically. Some of those guys became the happiest I ever met. We saw chiropractors, massage therapists, everything. I became inspired. I wanted to be a part of a field that could provide that. I wanted to take all that knowledge and use it to help others, and I wanted to do it in my own way.”

Through Fixinhumans, Logan has helped countless clients recover from injuries and alleviate their pains. “One of my clients said she tried everything, and this is the first place that actually helped her with pain relief. Another client said she could finally have a normal work life because of the treatment. It feels amazing to provide people with the homeopathic treatments they need and make a difference in people’s lives.”


Logan is now on his way to expanding further. He has plans to open another location and hire additional workers to help him with his business. “It is amazing that programs like Ascendus are here, or else many small businesses wouldn’t exist. Now, because of the loan, I have so much more personal time. I save about 12 hours a week in personal time. That has made an enormous difference in my quality of life. My personal and business relationships have all improved. Everything in my life has improved because of this one loan. I am so grateful.”

To learn more about Logan, visit

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